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Ukulele Scales Pro
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Difference Between Low G and High G Tuning || Bonus
Beyond Scales - Book Preview
Beyond Scales - Ultimate Guide to Interpeting Scales in Repertoire
Problems with Common Approach to learning scales (1:57)
What are Scales? (3:18)
Scales: Code (9:05)
Scale Degrees (3:27)
Circle of Fifths (5:31)
Major and Minor Scales (2:04)
Chords are Built on Scales (2:37)
What are Moveable Scales? (5:31)
Should You Memorize Scales? (2:28)
Scales in Fretboard Instruments (3:26)
What is a Melody, Melodic Fragment, and Why Scales Matter? (3:21)
Identifying Scales in Melodies (3:59)
6 Elements of Scale Passage (12:10)
Interpreting Elements of a Scale Passage (6:47)
Hidden Scale Passages (5:20)
Left-Hand | Playing a Scale Legato | Posture, Stretch, Position Shift (5:49)
Right-Hand | Free Stroke (5:10)
Must Do | Alternating Right-Hand Fingers (2:45)
Rating Right Hand Combinations from Easiest To Hardest (6:18)
Develop Articulation Through Planting (3:56)
How To Use The Following Exercises (1:59)
Exercise | Different Rhythms (2:58)
Exercise | Repeats (2:51)
Exercise | Dotted Rhythm (1:06)
Exercise | Patterns (1:54)
Exercise | Dynamics (2:20)
Version 1.0 - Scales In Context
Adrien Le Roy | Vous Estes La Personne (3:19)
Guillaume Morlaye | Gaillarde (4:02)
Traditional | Bint El Shalabyeh (4:27)
Alonso Mudarra | Romanesca (4:56)
Villa Lobos | Valse-Choro (4:42)
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Chords are Built on Scales
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